Risk management: the human factor
Regardless of the management system and technical safety measures in place, controlling the risk of accidents depends first and foremost on people.
Developing the skills of our employees and subcontractors and strengthening our safety culture are the pillars of the Seqens approach.
- Efforts are focused on risks of potentially high severity. Performance indicators reflect this focus on predictive rather than reactive indicators (such as the accident frequency rate, which alone is not representative of an organization’s ability to prevent serious accidents).
- Roles and responsibilities for safety and environmental protection are clearly defined.
- Safety is built into every decision we make and into our daily practices.
- Safety results are part of each employee’s individual performance evaluation.
- Our staff and the staff of our subcontractors have the required training and qualifications for the tasks they have to perform.
- Safety rules and procedures are clear, known and strictly enforced.
- An organization is in place to share information, feedback and best practices.
- Group entities are regularly audited in order to verify the effectiveness of programs and changes in their level of maturity.

Group management guarantees the necessary resources and needs to control risks and is constantly considering ways to improve HSE performance. Each year, Seqens invests several million euros in projects to improve health and safety and environmental protection conditions.
In each plant and R&D center, health, safety, environment and process safety professionals support the production, maintenance and logistics teams, support continuous improvement programs and ensure the proper application of safety rules and procedures.
Finally, the active participation of our employees is encouraged because it is recognized as essential to the development and maintenance of know-how and shared vigilance.