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Safety, Quality and Sustainable Innovation

As a global producer of active ingredients, pharmaceutical intermediates and specialty ingredients, SEQENS distinguishes itself not only by the high level of quality and safety of its products, but also by its culture of excellence, offering its customers the best service, while seeking to innovate in order to provide customers with products that are more respectful of the environment and of people.

Our Objectives

Achieve a completion rate of the annual process safety program of over 90%
Reduce the number of justified customer complaints by 20% between 2021 and 2025
Evaluate 100% of new proprietary products by 2025 according to CSR criteria

Process Safety

The control of technological risk is our top priority. We are therefore committed to controlling the safety of our processes. This commitment is clearly defined in the Group’s EHS policy.
This commitment is central as the chemical and pharmaceutical industry must follow and comply with numerous regulations, in particular those on the prevention of major accidents and environmental protection.

Our Approach

In order to guarantee a high level of safety on our sites, to reduce risks to the lowest possible level, and to comply with the various regulations, SEQENS deploys an EHS management system at its sites that integrates risk-based process safety.

The Group has deployed a mechanical integrity program which aims, among other things, to ensure that safety-critical components are identified and included in a robust inspection, testing and preventive maintenance plan.

  • 92% completion of EHS action plans by 2022
  • 110% completion of precess hazard analysis program (PHA) by 2023
  • The Billingham and Middlesbrough sites have further strengthened their safety practices, including pipeline integrity checks before each transfer of hazardous products.
  • The Aramon site has improved the safety of its hydrogenation operations by installing a pneumatic powder loader under nitrogen.
  • The Saint-Fons site has modified its vibrating screens to prevent any risk of dust explosion.
  • The Neot Hovav site has installed a new fire protection system (sprinkler) in the workshop, as well as new safety devices at the anhydrous hydrochloric acid decanting station.
  • The Roussillon site (Novapex company) has replaced its propane tank with a fireproof one.
  • The Wuxi site has replaced its fire detection system.


Product quality and the conformity of associated activities are essential to SEQENS. In its Quality Policy, SEQENS is committed to ensuring that products are always delivered safely and reliably to customers, in compliance with applicable regulations and international standards.

This is especially true for the pharmaceutical products supplied by SEQENS. There can be no compromise on the quality of the active ingredients and excipients used in medicines.

SEQENS has set itself the objective of achieving a completion rate of the annual process safety program of over 90%.

Our Approach
Our Objectives
For SEQENS, guaranteeing excellence in the quality and safety of products and processes necessarily implies to :
  • To manage the activities through a complete quality management system, in accordance with international standards, regulations and applicable directives (cGMP, ISO)
  • Remain constantly attentive to customer expectations to guarantee their satisfaction and develop new partnerships
  • Carry out operations and projects in such a way as to guarantee the quality and safety of products
  • Continuously improve the reliability and efficiency of our operations
  • Develop the skills, competencies, behaviors and effectiveness of staff through training programs designed to encourage accountability in the workplace

Quality policy and programs are developed and coordinated by SEQENS “Quality and Regulatory Affairs” department. It ensures that quality standards are applied and that products comply fully with the requirements of customers and regulatory health agencies. In this way, SEQENS acts on a daily basis to be recognized for its strong customer orientation and its compliance with regulations and quality standards.

SEQENS’ objective is to ensure its customers 100% success in regulatory inspections and certification audits to ensure business continuity and to be recognized as a major and serious player in the field

In addition, all of the Group’s teams are doing everything possible to ensure customer satisfaction. SEQENS has set itself the objective of reducing the number of justified complaints by 20% between 2021 and 2025

Quality of our Products 
  • Progress 2021-2023 : -+ 11%
  • Target 2021-2025 : -20%
  • In February 2023, the Roussillon site (Novapex) obtained its first Excipact certification. The site thus demonstrated that isopropanol was manufactured according to an adapted standard for excipients. This was the first example of its kind at this site.
  • The Wuxi site passed its 1st GMP part 1 inspection in November 2023. This certification authorizes the sale of medicated intermediates in Europe.
  • The Ecully site passed its 1st inspection on good distribution practices (GDP) to confirm the compliance of the distribution system for active ingredients manufactured at Novacyl sites in France, China and Thailand.
  • The Villeneuve-la-Garenne site has deployed a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). This software package digitizes the main processes of the quality control laboratory. It manages, for example, field data entry and sample traceability, users, instruments, stocks and supplies, and product and equipment tracking. This system meets the quality and traceability requirements of customers and authorities.

Sustainable Innovation

Regulatory, safety and environmental issues require the development of efficient, reliable and sustainable production processes, from the design phase to the industrialization phase.

Our Approach
Our Objectives
SEQENS is committed to developing products that are not only effective and safe but also to improving its manufacturing processes from a CSR perspective.

The Group relies on green chemistry to design and develop chemical products and processes that have minimal impact on the environment and human health, while being cost-effective.

Green chemistry focuses on innovative actions to prevent and reduce waste, develop the circular economy, optimize energy and raw material consumption with an emphasis on catalysis and enzymatic chemistry, take into account the demand for sustainable resources and replace hazardous substances (CMR).

This includes our 10 R&D centers of excellence in Europe and North America and more than 300 scientists, engineers and experts working on customized solutions for our customers, right through to manufacturing.

The Strategy & Innovation department also supports this CSR approach. Its main missions are to promote synergies, encourage ideas, stimulate and support the Group’s development projects and optimize the portfolio of products, R&D services and technologies.

The technical engineering and operational excellence functions also participate in this approach, challenging projects while providing the necessary expertise to industrialize projects and improve their performance.

SEQENS has set itself the goal of evaluating 100% of its new proprietary products according to CSR criteria by 2025

The methodology for calculating the percentage of new proprietary products assessed according to CSR criteria was defined in 2023. The first CSR assessments will take place in 2024.

Catalysis involves speeding up or slowing down a chemical reaction under the effect of a substance (the catalyst) which does not itself undergo any transformation. It reduces the quantity of raw materials involved in the reaction and improves yields. One type of catalysis used by SEQENS is biocatalysis. This involves using enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions. Enzymes are obtained by fermenting bacteria or yeast, then isolated or purified, when necessary, for use in a chemical reactor as biocatalysts.

Biocatalysis is interesting from an environmental point of view and can meet up to 9 of the 12 principles of green chemistry:

  • Enzymes offer a unique and exceptional combination of selectivities, which considerably limits the production of unwanted by-products.
  • Enzymes are highly efficient catalysts, accelerating reaction speeds.
  • Enzymes generally work in aqueous media, avoiding the use of solvents except in special situations.
  • Enzymes are proteins made up of a sequence of amino acids and are therefore biodegradable. These agents have no significant impact on the environment.
  • Enzymes can replace or reduce the amount of metals used, compared with conventional catalysts, and are therefore associated with a lower environmental impact.
  • Enzymes operate under mild conditions of pH, temperature and pressure, thus requiring less energy. In addition to their environmental benefits, these conditions also minimize undesirable side reactions.

This bioprocess thus enables SEQENS to take a further step towards ever greener chemistry.