Information on Seqens crisis management related to Covid-19
In response to the rapidly developing Covid-19 epidemic, governments around the world are strengthening preventive and precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus and protect populations.
Having fully assessed the situation from the very beginning of the epidemic, we decided and implemented all necessary measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and subcontractors as well as the continuity of our operations. These measures are adapted according to the spread of the pandemic and the recommendations of the WHO and the Authorities of each country in which SEQENS is present.
Limiting the spread of the epidemic
Each SEQENS site worldwide has a crisis management unit whose mission is to implement the necessary preventive and cautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus and protect our employees and subcontractors. They are coordinated at group level to ensure a homogeneous, rapid and efficient deployment.
Ensuring the continuity of our operations
As a manufacturer of active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical intermediates and specialty ingredients used in a wide range of critical applications, ensuring the continuity of our activities is imperative. Our teams have identified and assessed the specific risks posed by COVID-19 and have adapted our business continuity plans to mitigate the impact on our customers.
We would like to assure our customers and partners that all SEQENS teams are fully committed to ensure the continuity of our activities at your service.